What I’m Watching: Night Sky

I found a new(-ish) show on Amazon that looked interesting. Sissy Spacek & JK Simmons star as an elderly (when did we all get old?) couple with a secret … underneath their shed is a capsule that transports anyone who enters to a room on another planet. The show is a little slow to start,…

Science News: Dwarf Galaxies

A group of dwarf galaxies in a nearby galaxy group seem to be having a little party of their own and ignoring the larger galaxy at the center. In a typical galaxy group, the dwarf galaxies would be scattered fairly evenly around the most massive object in the group. But the galaxies close to M81…

What I’m Reading: Heather Webber

OK I know I just finished Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe but when I find an author I like, I’m like a Netflix binge-watcher. I devour their backlist. I’ve read South of the Buttonwood Tree & The Lights of Sugarberry Cove already, and am looking for more by this author. Each of the books has…