Hard to believe another year’s almost gone!
Hoping your holidays, whichever ones you celebrate, are all happy and that you have a wonderful New Year!
I’m spending Christmas Day with my sister and her son (and her dog), then working double-time to finish a few stories before the end of the month. On New Year’s Day, we will celebrate “Friendsmas,” which is our version of the holidays with our friends rather than families. There will be fun and games and probably too much food. We may or may not play Secret Santa…
In January, I’ve been invited to give a talk to a retirement community about the Sisters in Crime anthology (Carolina Crimes), which will be another opportunity to sell more copies and some much-needed exposure for my brand! I might ask the other local author to join me… I need to think up a good talk that would interest non-writers though! Maybe something related to the 1930s since that’s when the crime in my story took place.