Reboot Your Creativity

We’ve all been there: suddenly, the old muse just isn’t showing up as much as they used to. You’re in a rut and writing is starting to feel all-too-much like work. What–if anything–can you do about it? Here are some of the many ways you can re-inspire yourself and get back in the mood to…

IWSG: March 2, 2022

March 2 question – Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not? The first time I wrote a sex scene, I was conflicted as to how far I should take it. There’s a fine line between erotica and…

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post! This month’s question: Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn’t around anymore? Anyone you miss? My family never really understood me or my creative needs, so the fact that my parents are gone doesn’t…

New Year’s Reading

You’ll remember that I’m working my way through the Wheel of Time series again while Amazon shows their version (which is veering wildly from the original story). For New Year’s, I’d like some suggestions for great books to read in 2022. What are your favorite sci-fi or fantasy novels of all time? What have you…