IWSG: Author Envy

First Wednesday again – time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post! March 1 question – Have you ever read a line in novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy? I have author envy all the time! Sometimes I have to stop and reread a line or two just…

Happy Holidays

Hard to believe another year’s almost gone! Hoping your holidays, whichever ones you celebrate, are all happy and that you have a wonderful New Year! I’m spending Christmas Day with my sister and her son (and her dog), then working double-time to finish a few stories before the end of the month. On New Year’s…

Insecure Writer’s Holidays

IWSG December 7 question – It’s holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals? There are a lot of holidays in November and December! Dia de Los Muertes (Day of the Dead), Diwali, Solstice, Armistice (or Remembrance or Veteran’s) Day, Hannukah—and of course, for Americans and Christians,…

What I’m Reading: Twisted Luck

Found a new urban fantasy series: Mel Todd’s Twisted Luck series. The first book is called My Luck and is about a young woman whose life is a catastrophe … literally. She has the worst luck, always. In this world, magic exists and mages must be registered, lest they go rogue. Cori must deal with…