At the Library

I was lucky enough to have a mother who read to me. We went to the library every week when we did the grocery shopping. I remember the fantastic old-book smell of the stacks as I’d wander around. I was amazed that there were so many books in the world (as I saw it then),…

A Day in the Life

People wonder what a writer’s life looks like. Especially when that writer has a complicated and stressful day job the way I do. Some days, I work only 6-7 hours, and on those days I typically try to get some writing done. Some days, I work 12 hours, and on those days I just have…

Rejections Galore

Had one agent send a rejection the day after I queried … I question whether she actually read my synopsis. I also had an agent turn me down because he has too much on his plate at the moment … I can actually sympathize with that one.

New Rejection

I’ve been sending out more queries to keep the total up to about 5 agents at a time. Heard back from one today, but she said it didn’t grab her interest in the right way. I’ve redone Chapter 1 with more tension and conflict, so I’ll just keep trying until I hear something more specific.