Landing an Agent, Part 2

At the South Carolina Writers Association StoryFest Conference, agent Amy Collins continued her discussion of the publishing business with a section on impressing an agent (or editor, etc.) Here’s what she had to say: First, find your people: authors like you and readers in your genre. Remember: you are not your readership!  Questions: How to Find Your…

Creating an Anthology

One of my writing groups has decided that we want to try to produce an anthology, similar to the one I had the latest story published in. As a participant in that process, I have been roped…er…coerced into helping research what exactly might be involved in such an endeavor. We’re going to be using the…

Editing 101

This is courtesy of one of author Michael Stackpole’s lectures at Dragoncon, which is a science fiction convention that happens to have a Writing Track with great advice for any author. First, remember that you are not editing as you go along. As Stackpole says, “first, dig the hole” – get the manuscript down before you play…

May IWSG Post: Inspiration

It’s First Wednesday, so time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post.  May 3 question – When you are working on a story, what inspires you? When I’m working on a story, many things can inspire me. As a science-fiction author, I’m more likely to be inspired by a science article or news byte I’ve seen,…

How Long Should My Chapters Be?

I hear this question a lot. How long is a chapter supposed to be anyway? Of course, the correct answer is usually “As long as it needs to be” — within reason. There’s actually a rationale behind keeping your chapters shorter, and it has to do with your readers and their attention spans. In days…