
My query letter was chosen to be evaluated but I’m not sure how the letter was. The agent doing the evaluating didn’t handle science fiction and he got so off-kilter thinking about how weird everything was that he never did get around to saying if the letter was effective or not. So now I’m back…

Query Letter Tips

So my query letter was one of the 12 chosen for the Jericho Writers Slushpile Evaluation next week. I’ll get to see whether its a good letter or not and what needs fixing if not. That’s going to help immensely. If you’re still struggling with your query letter, here are some tips for you to…

Short Story Markets

The Submissions Grinder suggests that I may wish to submit my velyr PI humorous story to Analog or Asimov’s magazine. They pay around 8 cents a word for short stories, which would net me around $400 – not bad for a few hours of work There are a few markets paying even more, and I’m…

Contests Ahoy!

I’ve sent off three stories so far: The Insecure Writer’s Support Group for their “Dark Matter” anthology, Shoreline of Infinity with a humorous story about velyr at a sci-fi convention, and On The Premises with a story about smells. I’m also working on a story (due tomorrow of course) for my 12 Stories in 12…