Winter Reading Challenge

I’ve signed up for my local library’s Winter Reading Challenge. We have a “Bingo” board of things to read and do, and if you fill a row, column, or diagonal, you are entered into a contest and may win a prize. If you complete the whole board, you get extra chances. Guess which one I’m…

New Year’s Reading

You’ll remember that I’m working my way through the Wheel of Time series again while Amazon shows their version (which is veering wildly from the original story). For New Year’s, I’d like some suggestions for great books to read in 2022. What are your favorite sci-fi or fantasy novels of all time? What have you…

Insecure Writers’ Support Group

Another month has flown by and it’s time for yet another IWSG Post! January 5 question – What’s the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to overcome it? My biggest regret is not taking writing seriously soon enough. I’m 60 now, and if I’d been serious about selling…