Website Woes…

So I’ve been elected Board Member at Large with the local Sisters in Crime chapter, specializing in working on our new website. We’ve just about finished with it, only we now have a new problem. The chapter has been hosting Zoom meetings with guest lecturers and some of them seem to have expired somehow–or at…

The 12 Days of Christmas

You’ve heard the song, but what exactly are the 12 days of Christmas? They’re the days beginning on December 25 and lasting until Twelfth Night on January 5th. Each of the twelve days has a saint or feast day associated with it. Twelfth Night was a time of celebration. Everyone who could afford it threw…

Conference Summer

I’ve been “attending” a few virtual conferences this summer. No sci-fi unfortunately, but writing tips & tricks translate across the genres. Summer is one of the best times for conferences… many people have time off to attend and they’re looking for interesting things to do. Right now, I’m listening to a session from the Historic…