Over Western Trails

My alter-ego JES Hays has a new story out as well, in an anthology titled Over Western Trails! Fifteen stories about stagecoach travel, with a brand new Devon Day & the Sweetwater Kid tale! Get your copy today in e-book or paperback!

Author Updates

I’ve been working on stories to submit to various anthologies lately. Here are some of the ones I’ve sent off: Rough Cut Press is doing an anthology on the theme “Exiles,” which, of course, is perfect for a velyr story. I revamped one I’d already finished, cutting about 300 words to make it under 650…


It’s been a rough four days for most of the world. I have never known a time when Elizabeth II was not on the throne of England. She was England in my mind. Her quiet dignity personified all that the British aspire to be–calm, capable, and resilient. She lived through war, personal and national loss,…

Science News: Surviving the Lunar Night

NASA has funded a new test for a lunar rover, created by Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic. The CubeRover is designed to survive the two-week lunar night. “We have been working to survive the lunar night for several year,” says Mike Provenzano, director of lunar surface systems at Astrobotic. Most rovers are designed to last a single lunar…