IWSG September, 2021

It’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group post! This month’s question is: How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing? I define success as following through on your dreams and finishing your…

Perseverance Pays Off

I have gotten into an anthology. This is one of my crime/mystery tales of the velyr, and will be in the Sisters of Crime Triangle Chapter’s anthology entitled “Rock & Roll & Ruin.” It features Tel and Tano solving a mystery from the 1930s, using an old letter they found inside of a musical instrument.…

Quills Conference 2021

I am “attending” the Quills Conference by the League of Utah Writers. It’s a hybrid event with virtual sessions along with live stuff. I couldn’t get away from work for a long weekend and didn’t really have the spare cash to afford the travel and hotel so I’m virtually present at least. I didn’t have…

What I’m Reading: The Cloud Roads

I decided to try Martha Wells’ fantasy series about the Raksura and am enjoying them. The premise is that there is a race of shape-shifters … they seem to be sort of a cross between dragons and winged humans, though the cover picture doesn’t really match what the book seems to “show” they look like.…

IWSG August, 2021

It’s First Wednesday so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog. It’s so easy to self-reject, to feel insecure. That seems to be the default setting for any creative person. You compare yourself to those who are “making it” in the public eye and come up short. Your work sucks. Your talent is…

IWSG Post: July, 2021

It’s time for yet another Insecure Writer’s Support Group Post! We’re talking about some ways to combat insecurity today. Insecurity can become a hurricane-force cycle of depression and negativity. There are ways to break this cycle, though. You can even start thinking of yourself as a successful writer. Some of these techniques are borrowed from…

Conference Summer

I’ve been “attending” a few virtual conferences this summer. No sci-fi unfortunately, but writing tips & tricks translate across the genres. Summer is one of the best times for conferences… many people have time off to attend and they’re looking for interesting things to do. Right now, I’m listening to a session from the Historic…