Story for You

This is a short prompt-driven story for a writing challenge I’ve joined. The prompt is Red Lipstick: “Will you shut up and put the damn stuff on already?” Tel ran a hand through his hair and glared at his drummer, blue eyes narrowed. Jason’s brown eyes blazed right back. “I didn’t sign up for this,…

Down Time

Had an interesting (to an author) experience this morning: ankle surgery! This was a planned surgery – I had a bit of overgrown bone that was rubbing against the next ankle bone and the doctor shaved that off and “cleaned up” the area (whatever that means). I took careful note of all the medical procedures…

Summer Festival of Writing

So I found a new (online) conference — The Jericho Writers Summer Festival of Writing.  For around $40 a month, you get 3 solid months of writing webinars and mini-workshops. They’re based in the UK, so I don’t know all of the authors — but I do know Neil Gaiman!  So far we’ve had some interesting…

What I’m Reading: Robert Heinlein

Robert Heinlein once wrote a book called The Number of the Beast, a fun frolic about a scientist who invents a time/space device and his family. However, unbeknownst to most of his fans, Heinlein also wrote a parallel novel called The Pursuit of the Pankera: A Parallel Novel About Parallel Universes. The two novels begin…