“Ghost Particle” Traced

Scientists have been able to trace the origins of a ghostly subatomic particle, a neutrino that travelled 3.9 billion light-years to Earth, for the first time. The tiny, high-energy cosmic particle was discovered by sensors deep in the Antarctic ice in the IceCube Detector. Scientists and observatories around the world were able to trace the…

Fast Radio Bursts … from Where?

One of the top scientific news articles you might be interested in concerns the only known repeating fast radio burst in the universe. Researchers at Breakthrough Listen, a scientific research program dedicated to finding evidence of intelligent life in the universe has not ruled out the fact that the signal may come from an advanced…

At the Library

I was lucky enough to have a mother who read to me. We went to the library every week when we did the grocery shopping. I remember the fantastic old-book smell of the stacks as I’d wander around. I was amazed that there were so many books in the world (as I saw it then),…

A Day in the Life

People wonder what a writer’s life looks like. Especially when that writer has a complicated and stressful day job the way I do. Some days, I work only 6-7 hours, and on those days I typically try to get some writing done. Some days, I work 12 hours, and on those days I just have…

Rejections Galore

Had one agent send a rejection the day after I queried … I question whether she actually read my synopsis. I also had an agent turn me down because he has too much on his plate at the moment … I can actually sympathize with that one.

New Rejection

I’ve been sending out more queries to keep the total up to about 5 agents at a time. Heard back from one today, but she said it didn’t grab her interest in the right way. I’ve redone Chapter 1 with more tension and conflict, so I’ll just keep trying until I hear something more specific.

What I’m Reading: Anne McCaffrey

I was just re-reading Anne’s delightful duo: Dragonsong and Dragonsinger. It’s easy to forget how much you love a book until you slip back between its covers and rediscover the characters and the world. On the planet Pern, deadly Threads periodically fall from the skies, searing all life they touch. Only the great fire-breathing dragons…

What I’m Researching: Area 51

Of course, any story with Roswell has to include Area 51. I learned a couple of interesting facts about the site (from this article: 15 Far-Out Facts About Area 51). During Area 51’s heyday as a testing site, engineer Kelly Johnson had an idea to convince government workers and their families to pick up and…