What I’m Reading: John Scalzi

I’ve been reading the new John Scalzi book Starter Villains this week. It’s a lot of fun. Don’t have an image of it because the blasted laptop is in the shop and I’m trying to post using my iPad instead! Starter Villains is about a man who’s coasting through life as a substitute teacher when…

Real Life Woes

So I did something to my knee a couple of weeks ago… the X-ray didn’t show anything, which means it’s a tendon or ligament or cartilage or something else in that general category. I did this by walking down the two steps from my porch to the driveway! Guess I’m getting old and decrepit or…

Website Woes…

So I’ve been elected Board Member at Large with the local Sisters in Crime chapter, specializing in working on our new website. We’ve just about finished with it, only we now have a new problem. The chapter has been hosting Zoom meetings with guest lecturers and some of them seem to have expired somehow–or at…

What I’m Reading: John Varley

I’ve started the Thunder and Lightning series (Red Thunder, Red Lightning, Rolling Thunder, and Dark Lightning) by John Varley. So far, I’m enjoying the read. It does remind me of Robert Heinlein, as advertised, with most of the emphasis on character development and teenagers coming into maturity. In the first book, an eccentric Cajun backwoodsman…

New Responsibilities

I’ve decided to step up and take on some new responsibilities with one of my writing groups. The local chapter of Sisters in Crime is looking for someone to help out with their new website, which is something I feel I can handle, so I’ve volunteered to join the board (well, after being asked, that…