Insecure Writer’s Support Group

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group Post! Not feeling very insecure at the moment because I finished NaNoWriMo (and I have the t-shirt to prove it). But I will answer this month’s question: In your writing, what stresses you the most? What delights you? When…

What I’m Watching: Wheel of Time

As I said last time, I’m rereading the series and watching the new Amazon Prime show about Robert Jordan’s universe. I have to point out from the get-go, they’ve changed quite a few things from the stories. To start with, they’re all 20 instead of teenagers. Perrin (middle of the back row) is married. Rand…

What I’m Reading: Wheel of Time

Amazon Prime is working on an adaptation of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series so I’m rereading the books. They’re old-school epic fantasy novels–all 20 of them! They’re not quite as engrossing as Tolkein, but well-written nonetheless. I’m enjoying my reread and reminding myself of the story line and characters. It will be interesting to…

Fall Holidays

Fall is my favorite season. I love the bright colors of the leaves and the crisp blue of the sky. I like the cool mornings and the hint of smoke in the air. Fall always stirs my travel urge, too, as the wild geese wing overhead and call out. There are several holidays celebrated during…

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Where has the time gone? It’s once again First Wednesday, which means the monthly Insecure Writer’s Support Group post. It’s easy to listen to the little voices inside your head that tell you you’re no good, that your writing is substandard and boring. Everybody has those little devils chipping away at their self-esteem. The trick…

Quills Conference 2021

I am “attending” the Quills Conference by the League of Utah Writers. It’s a hybrid event with virtual sessions along with live stuff. I couldn’t get away from work for a long weekend and didn’t really have the spare cash to afford the travel and hotel so I’m virtually present at least. I didn’t have…

IWSG August, 2021

It’s First Wednesday so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog. It’s so easy to self-reject, to feel insecure. That seems to be the default setting for any creative person. You compare yourself to those who are “making it” in the public eye and come up short. Your work sucks. Your talent is…