What I’ve Watched: Just Like Heaven

OK, this is more a rom-com than science fiction, but it was a cute movie so I’ll review it. Mark Ruffalo plays a landscape architect who finds the perfect San Francisco apartment–only to discover the spirit of the previous owner is still there. And, of course, he’s the only one who can see her. Reese…

What I’m Watching: Night Sky

I found a new(-ish) show on Amazon that looked interesting. Sissy Spacek & JK Simmons star as an elderly (when did we all get old?) couple with a secret … underneath their shed is a capsule that transports anyone who enters to a room on another planet. The show is a little slow to start,…

What I’m Reading: Heather Webber

OK I know I just finished Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe but when I find an author I like, I’m like a Netflix binge-watcher. I devour their backlist. I’ve read South of the Buttonwood Tree & The Lights of Sugarberry Cove already, and am looking for more by this author. Each of the books has…

What Would You Do: Winning the Lottery

This is the first in a (maybe) series of “What Would You Do?” creative exercises I’m thinking about. Today, I’ll explore the first five things I’d do if I won the lottery (or at least a million dollars). Of course, the Number One item would be to hire an accountant to advise me on how…

What You Should Watch: Science Fiction

Of course, I’m not going to be recommending romance movies on a sci-fi blog. But according to me and Rotten Tomatoes, here are a few classic sci-fi movies everyone should see at least once. There are many, many more great movies out there, and just because your favorite didn’t make my list doesn’t mean it’s…