Jokes for Writers

Here are some jokes that (maybe) only a writer will find humorous: Writing is 10% typing and 90% staring at your computer trying to find a better way to describe someone eating a piece of toast. When I die and y’all go through my search history, you’ll be disappointed to find mostly just definitions for…

ExoMars: United Space Exploration

The ExoMars programme comprises two missions: the first – the Trace Gas Orbiter – launched in 2016 while the second, comprising a rover and surface platform, is planned for 2022. Together they will address the question of whether life has ever existed on Mars. This is a joint program between the European Space Agency (ESA)…

What I’m Reading: Consider This

I’ve been reading a great little “How-To” book on writing recently. The subtitle is “Moments in My Writing Life After Which Everything Was Different,” and that’s pretty much what the book is – a memoir of the author’s epiphany moments. There are chapters titled “Textures,” “Tensions,” and “Troubleshooting,” interspersed with “Postcards from the Tour” chapters…

Assyrian Epilepsy Demon

An ancient drawing of a demon blamed for epileptic seizures has been discovered on a 2,700-year-old Assyrian clay tablet. The tablet came from the library of a family of exorcists who lived in about 650 B.C. in the city of Assur, now in northern Iraq. But it’s likely it was copied from a much older text.…