What I’m Researching: Area 51

Of course, any story with Roswell has to include Area 51. I learned a couple of interesting facts about the site (from this article: 15 Far-Out Facts About Area 51). During Area 51’s heyday as a testing site, engineer Kelly Johnson had an idea to convince government workers and their families to pick up and…

A Nice Rejection

Got a very nice letter from an agent today: “Thank you so much for letting me review EARTHBEAT, but I’m going to decline at this time. Unfortunately, your beginning just isn’t pulling me in the way I had hoped. I know you’ve put a lot of time and effort into your project. Take heart: the…


Toying with the idea of making the novel into a screenplay and putting it up on InkTips while I wait to hear back from the agents I queried. Scrivener has a screenplay option which is accepted by producers, so I’m sure I could do it once I figure out all the proper abbreviations.

Write a Killer Query Letter

I’m querying three agencies to start – might up that to five if I spot two more agents who are looking for character-driven sci-fi. I was told at a conference not to approach more than five agents at any one time. That way, you can keep track of where you are and who’s got your…

The End … Now What?

I seem to have reached the end of the novel. Great, you say — now what? Now comes the hard part. I need to get the novel professionally edited – that will cost some money. I’d especially like to find an Irish beta reader to check on Tell’s character and make sure he acts and…

Where’d the Time Go?

Hard to believe it’s already March! What happened to February? I’m working on Chapter 17 at the moment. Part of my problem when writing a novel is that I tend to read back over the previous chapters and edit, which I know I shouldn’t do until I’m totally finished. I also get distracted by Real…

Working on the Novel

I’ll be keeping you appraised of progress, along with whatever else I think about to post on the website. I started the novel about three weeks ago and have been working steadily for several hours a day. This is an unusual time in my life. I’m between jobs, so I figured this was the perfect…