It’s First Wednesday so it’s time for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group post.

Today’s question: If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.
If I could be anyone or anything for one day, I think I would like to be super-rich, as in “you can’t spend it all in your lifetime if you try” rich. I’d like to see how much of a difference I could make in 24 hours, not by giving everyone a pile of money, but by funding programs that truly help the unfortunate by getting them decent jobs at decent wages, by getting them affordable housing and child care, by feeding the hungry, and by educating those that need it, whether that be a general degree or specialized training for a better job.
Of course, along with helping specific populations, I would spend as much as needed on the environment to try to reverse climate change and get Earth on track for a sustainable future, and to preserve as much of the planet as possible for our descendants.
I do not long for money per se, but enough money could actually make a difference in the world, and I’d like to make an effort and see what I could come up with. It might not last long, but at least for a short while, people would have the basic necessities of life. It would take a good bit of conniving on my part, however, to find other like-minded souls who would help me to make that difference and to set up funds to keep all these programs running for as long as possible. And you’d need to funnel some of that money back into the business to make sure the funds remained available.
And yes, I’m well aware that there are people who would not take advantage of any such programs, who want to be taken care of and coddled, but I feel those are actually not as many as some of the politicians claim there are. I think the majority of folks are decent people who want to improve their lives and leave things a little better for their children. I think if we educated enough people, they could not help but understand how fragile our hold on this tiny planet is, and how we must do all we can to help Earth survive.