I’m not quite finished with the novel yet, but I can already say I will be reading more from Andy Weir. Project: Hail Mary explores the mind of a science nerd in a way I’ve not read since I was a child. I love how both characters in the book are so excited by simple scientific research. And yes, my last post said that the protagonist had awakened alone in a spaceship around an unfamiliar star. He meets someone.
I’m totally into this book. Weir has done enough research to make the science understandable and believable, even with alien amoebas and sun-eating microbes. I heartily recommend it to anyone who is a science nerd themselves, or who likes hard sci-fi with a lot of science. His aliens are logical and believable, and the protagonist’s alternate number from the second spaceship is a great character. I can’t guess how this is going to end, but I have hopes for a positive result after all their hard work. You can read my final review on Amazon or Goodreads (my handle is velyrhorde, of course).