When I’m not writing or taking photos, you can usually find me Googling answers for your Alexa device.
You know how sometimes you’ll ask Alexa something and she doesn’t know the answer? Well, those questions are shunted to a special website called Alexa Answers, where you can provide an answer for the Alexa owner. Of course, if you take it as an excuse to give smart-ass answers, you’ll be booted off the site eventually, but most of us are honestly trying to answer people’s burning questions, like “Do cats or dogs live longer?” (it’s cats by 5 to 10 years) or “What was the largest herbivore dinosaur?” (The titanosaur Patagotitan mayorum).
I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to research. Sometimes, I’ll start with the best intentions of quitting after 30 minutes–only to look up two hours later and realize I meant to work on those edits to the manuscript. There’s just something satisfying about looking up an answer and hearing Alexa spout your answer when you ask the question again. So if you need me, just ask Alexa.