I’ve been told, by several people, that I would like the Netflix show The Three Body Problem. Well, you know me: why watch a show when I can read the original book?
Oddly enough, when I went to Amazon, the Kindle version was actually more expensive than the paperback, so I’ve just gotten the hard copy novel this afternoon. I’m looking forward to starting it. I’ve read the blurbs, of course, and seen some of the Netflix trailers, so I know the basics: Chinese Cultural Revolution, secret military base, contact with alien species who are out (probably quite rightly) to put an end to our wholesale slaughter of other beings. They have realized that by the time they actually reach Earth, we will have progressed to the point where we will be able to take them out, so they’re aiming to neutralize our science. I suspect the book’s plot is a lot more developed and nuanced than the TV show. I haven’t decided whether to watch that as I read, or after. We’ll see what the book is like…