Science News: Surviving the Lunar Night

NASA has funded a new test for a lunar rover, created by Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic. The CubeRover is designed to survive the two-week lunar night. “We have been working to survive the lunar night for several year,” says Mike Provenzano, director of lunar surface systems at Astrobotic. Most rovers are designed to last a single lunar…


What I’m Watching: Sandman

I seem to be on a TV/Movie kick, watching shows instead of knuckling down to write. Need to lay off the screen time some! Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman” series, however, is worth binging. I must confess that I have not read the entire graphic novel series. I know, mea culpa. But from what I remember reading,…


Science News: Dwarf Galaxies

A group of dwarf galaxies in a nearby galaxy group seem to be having a little party of their own and ignoring the larger galaxy at the center. In a typical galaxy group, the dwarf galaxies would be scattered fairly evenly around the most massive object in the group. But the galaxies close to M81…
