The Traveling Writer

For my sixtieth birthday (that can’t be right!), I spent a long weekend in New Orleans. COVID-19 has changed the landscape nearly as much as Hurricane Katrina: no open jazz clubs, no bus tours of the city, far fewer walking tours and everyone on edge about wearing your mask at all times. However, The Traveling…


The Aging Writer

In two days I will be 60. That just can’t be right, can it? I can’t say I’ve been a writer all those years, though I have been a storyteller since I could speak coherently. My early writing is unpublished and rightly so! However, I feel I’ve progressed as a writer until the point where…


Query Letter Pitfalls

I “attended” a virtual query letter “boot camp” last month. Angie Hodapp talked about some pitfalls you might fall into while writing your query letter pitch — the part where you describe your story and try to hook the agent or editor. First, here are some awkward phrases to avoid: “Have you ever wondered…?” “What…


One Down…

Finished the story for Kevin J. Anderson’s anthology (due on Halloween!). I’m going to run it past my critique group before I send it in though … just to be sure it’s anthology-ready. I’m attending another writing conference this week via Zoom … it’s not specifically sci-fi but has a lot of great workshops and…
